Expert on environmental protection and climate change
1. Surname : Murzabaeva
2. Name , patronymic : Asel’ , Asanbekovna
3. Date of Birth: 12th February , 1978.
4. Citizenship : Кыргызская Республика
5. Family Status : Single , have three children
6. Контакты: +996 701 90 10 97; +996 555 30 80 65
7. Education :
Educational institution: Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical
Institute named after academician
Faculty "Geoecology and
engineering ecology ”.
Majoring in “Environmental Protection
and Rational Use of Natural
Resources ”.
Specialization "Protection of subsoil
and rational use of mineral resources."
Study period: from (month/year) to
19 95 – 2000 .
Degree or diploma received : Higher education, qualification "Environmental
Educational institution : Academy of Management under the
President of the Kyrgyz Republic,
master's program in Management,
specialization "Public administration"
Study period: from (month/year) to
2012 -2014.
Degree or diploma received : Master “Public Administration ”
8. Knowledge of languages (on a five -point scale , 5 is the highest score ):
Language Reading Verbal Writing
Russian 5 5 5
English 3 3 3
German 4 3 4
Kyrgyz 5 5 5
9. Membership in a professional organization : Not a member
10. Other skills and achievements :
• State Qualification Certificate for the professional activities of an environmental specialist.
Issued by the State Agency for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the
Kyrgyz Republic .
• State certificate of State Institution "Kyrgyztest" for knowledge of the s tate language level
- B2;
• Certificate of English language proficiency level – A2 of the US Embassy under the program
“English for young professionals 2022”;
• Certificates for international trainings in the field of ecology, chemical safety, labor
protection , innovative technologies for waste management of organizations - UNDP ,
• Awards and honors
• SIETB RCC and SAEPF under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Driver's license category «В» ( own car ).
• State rank - Class III civil service adviser.
• Reservist in the National Personnel Reserve of the Kyrgyz Republic for the main state and
municipal position;
• Knowledge of Microsoft Office computer programs (WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, electronic
document manage ment system "e -kyzmat", etc.)
• Has an excellent inspection result of large companies. Under supervision, the treatment facilities of
boarding houses and resorts were reconstructed and modernized , LLC «Altynken »; JSC «Manas
International Airport ». LOC «Tyoplye Klyuchi » CHP c.Bishkek . Settling pond for wastewater dumps
was built Chon and Small Sarytor , ZAO «Kumtor Gold Company »;
• CHP c.Bishkek , JSC «Kant cement factory »; ZAO «South -Kyrgyz cement » according to the
instructions, dust and gas treatment plants were reconstructed, repaired, replaced; telescopic
installations were installed in the open coal storage . The activities of the company for the construction
of roads Bishkek asphalt service were also checked.
• A national inventory of obsolete pesticides in the country and existing MSW dumps, hazardous
industrial waste landfills, and tailings was carried out.
• Collected about 23 million soms for environmental damage and fines, of which ZAO «Kumtor Gold
Company » -22 million soms to the state budget.
. 11. Current position: Indepent Expert.
11. Experience : 18 years in the field of environmental protection, conducting control and
supervision functions in the field of environmental and technical safety, water and land
resources m anagement, protection of subsoil and atmospheric air, Waste management,
ensuring chemical, biological and radiation safety in the public administration system of
the Kyrgyz Republic Republic, 2 years of which she headed the department in the
supervisory au thority for ensuring environmental and technical safety, biodiversity
conservation, 2 years in the environmental authority;
12. Participation in international projects aimed at the protection of water resources, water
supply and sanitation, energy and mining projects, management of chemical, biological,
radiation safety, management of hazardous waste, incl. obsolete pesticides, medical
• Participation in intergovernmental agreements aimed at transboundary water resources
management, transboundary m ovement of hazardous wastes, climate change; Participation by
an expert in the development of the 3rd Environmental Performance Review (EPR ) UNECE ;
• Professional experience in the field of environmental and technical safety was closely
related to social issues, in particular the impact of economic and technogenic activities on public
health, safety and labor protection, assessment of socio -environmental, technogenic risks.
13. Basic Qualifications:
• Development of environmental legislat ion of the Kyrgyz Republic, including;
• Ensuring the protection and protection of natural resources in the Kyrgyz Republic, waste
management, including the impact of climate change, both in international obligations and
within EAEU ;
• Introduction of amendmen ts and additions to normative legal acts, technical regulations of the
Customs Union;
• Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment;
• Development of the section "Environmental Protection" to the design and estimate
documentation for the construction of facilities;
• Development of programs, strategies, including concepts, social and environmental plans and
strategies aimed at improving the quality of the environment and the life of the population;
• Development of checklists for business entities for screening environmental and social
• Development of the Regulations for interaction between state bodies on the
comprehensive provision of social and environmental protection of the population;
• Interaction with stakeholders: state and municipal organi zations, the public, the non -
governmental sector;
• Organizing and holding public hearings to inform the public about the implementation of the
planned projects and their impact on the environment;
• Development of Environmental Management Plans;
• Development o f regulations and job descriptions for the supervised unit;
• Development of the procedu re for issuing licensing and permitting documents;
• Development of a form of licensing and permit documentation for hazardous waste and
• Development of regulatio ns on labor protection, safety measures;
• Environmental control and supervision, monitoring of compliance with environmental legislation;
• Conducting ecological expertise and analysis of projects;
• Knowledge of safeguard policies of ADB, WB, EBRD;
• Excellent r eporting and presentation skills;
• Calculation of environmental fees, emission emissions, discharges, waste.
Work period: November 2021 – February 202 3
Location: Kyrgyz Republic
Government body: State Committee for Ecology and
Climate of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology
and Technical Supervision of the
Kyrgyz Republic
Subdivision : Department of Industrial Ecology of the Central Office of the
Job title: Head of Department for Land Protection and Waste Management
Description of work : • Coordination and quality control of work in accordance with the
position of the department
• Development of action plans within the framework of the
implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz
Republic on ensuring environmental safety and climate sustainability
of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Development Program of the
Kyrgyz Republic until 2026, in terms of improving the waste
management system and protecting land resources and mitigating
the effects of climate change.
• Coordination and control of the nationwide subbotnik in
• as part of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the
Kyrgyz Republic "About the National Day of Purity"
• Development of an action plan for the implementation of the Ac tion
Plan to create an effective infrastructure for handling
• household waste for the period 2023 -2025
• Development of a section on waste management of the draft
Environmental Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Development of the Concept of Extended Producer Respon sibility
(EPR), introducing modern mechanisms of economic regulation in
the field of waste management, taking into account international
• Development of bills to improve the waste management system, their
harmonization with international standards, promotion of waste -free
technologies, introduction of extended producer responsibility, which
establishes the mandatory payment of a recycling fee for the
processing of generated waste .
• Consideration, approval of decisions of the Collegium EEC ,
according to the Agreement on EAEU from 14.05.2014.
• Issuance of permits for waste disposal, licenses in accordance with
the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the licensing system in the
Kyrgyz Republ ic"
• Consolidation and analysis of the results of the work of subordinate
units with the aim of proposals for their improvement
• Calculation and verification of the correctness of the payment made
for environmental pollution with waste, emissions, discharges .
• Interaction with government agencies, media, non -governmental
organizations and environmental movements on environmental
• International cooperation in the field of waste management, incl. their
transboundary movement, disposal, ensuring chemical, biological
and radiation safety.
• Attracting investment projects to improve the waste management
system in the Kyrgyz Republic.
• Development of project proposals and their implementation,
submission of technical specifications for their implementation:
• Prepa ration of terms of reference for the development of projects for
space sensing of the city dump, the dump of the formation of mining
companies at the initiative of the company «Azerkosmos ».
• Development of a project for the separate collection of household
waste and their processing in Bishkek on the initiative of the Korean
company K -eco.
• Implementation of ICT for the management of medical waste,
including COVID waste, with K -eco.
• Fulfillment of obligations under international conventions such as
Basel, Ro tterdam and Stockholm, represented by the national
coordinator (focal point), in terms of participation, making proposals,
submitting reports on the implementation of the provisions of the
• Sending notifications for the export through transit c ountries and to
receiving countries of hazardous wastes such as spent batteries,
spent rocket fuel for processing and disposal (Islamic Republic of
Iran; Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Sweden) under
the Basel Convention.
• Examination of projects in terms of waste management and
protection of land resources.
• Interaction with the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of
Ministers and the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on
environmental issues
• Participation in the work of expert commissions during the
environmental review of projects and sections of environmental
protection and environmental impact assessment of mining
• Control over the timing and quality of the assigned work
• Provision of methodological and prac tical assistance to the regional
departments of the Ministry and legal entities and individuals in the
implementation of effective coordination, monitoring and control in
the field of waste management.
• Consideration of complaints, applications and appeals of
individuals and legal entities.
Work period : May 2022 – December 202 2
Location: Kyrgyz Republic
Government body: Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical
supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic
Subdivision: Department of Environmental Protection of the Central Office
Job tittle: Chief specialist for Waste Management and Security
atmospheric air
Description of work: • Implementation of the Action Plans within the framework of the
implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic
on ensuring environmental safety and climate sustainability of the
Kyrgyz Republic, the National Development Program of the Kyrgyz
Republic until 2026, in terms of improving the waste man agement
system and protecting land resources and mitigating the effects of
climate change.
• Development of a draft concept of environmental safety
• Development of a draft program for waste management in the Kyrgyz
• Placing on the website in the Administration of the President of the
Kyrgyz Republic bills to improve the waste management system,
harmonizing them with international standards, stimulating waste -
free technologies, introducing extended producer responsibil ity,
which establishes the mandatory payment of a recycling fee for the
processing of generated waste.
• Development of by -laws, mechanisms for the implementation of bills
to improve the waste management system, their harmonization with
international standar ds, promotion of waste -free technologies, the
introduction of extended producer responsibility, establishing the
methodology for calculating the disposal fee and the procedure for
their payment, a list of products that generate waste
• Issuance of Licenses f or the disposal, processing, transportation of
hazardous waste and chemicals.
• Issuance of permits for waste disposal, for emissions of pollutants
into the air; extradition
• licenses in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the
licensing system in the Kyrgyz Republic”
• Analysis and expertise of the activities of large mining companies,
verification of the correctness of the calculations of their
environmental fees, identification of arrears.
• A set and analysis of the regulatory fee for environmental pollution of
all economic entities in the country.
• • Establishment of an interdepartmental commission for companies
developing sand and gravel quarries, identifying social and
environmental risks as a result of their activities.
• • Conducting round tables, meetings with government agencies,
media, non -governmental organizations and environmental
movements on environmental issues.
• • International cooperation in the field of waste management, incl.
their transboundary movement, disposal, ensuring chemical,
biological and radiation safety.
• • Data collection, development of a project and terms of reference for
the effective management of e -waste in the Kyrgyz Republic at the
initiative of KOICA.
• • Examination of projects in terms of waste management .
Work period : April 2012 – July 202 0.
Government body: State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Subdivision: Department of Environmental Safety of the Central Office of the State
Ecological and Technical Inspectorate
Job tittle : Chief Inspector of the Department of Industrial Ecology
Description of work: Control and supervision of environmental legislation and
international norms
Taking appropriate measures for violations of environmental and
technical requirements
Development of Checklists for business entities
Monitoring compliance with established rules, limits, quotas and
environmental standards;
Stan dards for emissions and discharges of pollutants and placement
waste in the environment.
Placement and operation of storage facilities, tailings sludge,
spoil heaps, dumps, landfills by the implementation of measures for the
construction and
commissioning of facilities, equipment and apparatus for
cleaning of discharges and emissions of pollutants into the environment
natural environment, equipping sources of pollution with devices
control and regulation of discharges an d emissions;
Land reclamation and soil protection from waste pollution
production, pesticides and other chemical
substances (including radioactive), other damage to land
condition and efficiency of structures and devices; land and forest
resources in business activities, disposal of production and consumption
Control over calculations to determine the standard fee for emissions,
discharges of pollutants and di sposal of waste in the environment
environment, calculation of damage (claim) caused to the environment,
inspection of economic entities for compliance with
environmental safety ;
Verification of the correctness of the preparation of regulatory te chnical
documentation and design permits, the issuance of expert works:
environmental protection sections of projects, environmental passport, maximum
allowable emissions , discharges and wastes , passports for hazardous waste
Verification of the correctness of the issuance of the conclusions of the state
environmental expertise,
Permissions for emissions, discharges and waste disposal;
Control and supervision of compliance with environmental, chemical, biological
and radiation safety standards
Monitoring the condition of landfills, landfills and the correct operation of
treatment facilities .
Control and supervision over the fulfillment of the requirements of
International agreements, technical regulations of the customs uniоnchairing the inventory working group obsolete pesticides in the Kyrgyz
Republic within the framework of the project “Management life cycle of
pesticides and elimination of POPs pesticides in countries of Central As ia
and Turkey GCP/SEC/011/GFF FAO participation in Veolia ES obsolete
pesticides repackaging project Field Services LTD (Balykchy and Naryn).
Work period : July 20 20 – February 202 1
Government body: State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
/State Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic on Ecology and Climate
Subdivision: Department of Environmental Safety
Job tittle : Head of Biodiversity Control Department
Description of work: • Ensuring effective activities, fulfilling the tasks assigned to the department
for conducting state environmental control and supervision in the field of
biodiversity conservation;
• Participation in commissions for the development of regulatory legal acts i n
the field of environmental protection and nature management
• Participation in the work of expert commissions during the environmental
review of projects and sections of environmental protection and
environmental impact assessment
• Control and supervision of compliance with environmental legislation and
international standards in the field of conservation biodiversity:
• Checking the activities of forestry, protected areas, hunting and fishing farms
• Established rules, limits, quotas and norms for nature management
suppression of illegal hunting, catching fish stocks suppression of illegal
logging of green spaces, including especially valuable tree species, Red
Book animals Development of Checklists for Subjects entrepreneurship and
government insti tutions
• Protection, reproduction and restoration of animal and flora, including
valuable ones, as well as those under endangered and listed in the Red Book
of the Kyrgyz Republic .
• Establishment of continuous, not having special passages,
• barriers and structures on the ways of mass migration of animals;
• Seizure of objects of flora and fauna without permission specially authorized
body in the field of environmental protection environment, also listed in the
Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic Obtaining comme rcial species of wildlife
and collecting medicinal herbs with the rules, terms and lists of permitted
• the use of tools and methods of extraction;
• When designing and building facilities for economic and other activities
should be provided with measures to p rotect objects fauna, including the
restriction of work during periods of mass migration, in places of breeding
and molting, rearing young animals, spawning, feeding and migration of
juvenile fish ;
• When designing, constructing and operating transport highways must be
provided with fencing devices with dangerous sections of highways with
special passages in places of concentration of objects of the animal world
and on their path’s migration, free migr ation of fish and terrestrial animals in
crossing small rivers and streams by highways ;
• Compliance with import and export requirements, as well as the use
confiscated wild animals and plants, their parts or derivatives subject to the
Convention on internat ional trade in species of wild fauna and flora,
• Conditions and rules for acquiring and keeping objects in captivity animal
• Withdrawal of water by water intake facilities from water bodies fishery value
without installation of devices (fi sh protection devices) preventing fish from
entering them
• Provision of flora objects located on the lands of nature conservation, health,
recreation and for historical and cultural purposes, for use or rent individuals
and legal entities,
• Development of re commendations for improving environmental policy in
sphere of biodiversity conservation control and acceptance preventive
measures based on the analysis of the current state .
Work period : March 2006 – April 2012 .
Government body: State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Subdivision: Chui -Bishkek Territorial Department for Environmental Protection and
Development of Forest Ecosystems
Job tittle : Leading Specialist of the “Control and Inspection Service Department ”
Description of
work :
• Ensuring effective activity, fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the
department for the implementation of state environmental control;
• Implementation of state environmental control over environmental
protection and rational use of natural resources, including mining
enterprises, compliance with environmental legislation
• Participation in commissions for the development of regulatory legal
acts in the field of environmental protection and nature management
• Summary and analysis of the activities of the inspection staff
• Calculation of regulatory fees for environmental pollution
• Calculation of damage caused by damage to land, illegal logging of
trees, catching of fish stocks and wild animals
• Development of an indicative plan for inspectors
• Prevention, detection and suppression of violations conservation order
through raids
• Issuance of environmental permits for hunting, collecting wild plants
and trees, catching fish .
• Interaction with government agencies, with the media, the public on
issues of environmental management, environmental protection
• Representation of the department in the judiciary in cases related to
control and supervisory activities
• control over the timely submission of materials on violations of
environmental legislation to the relevant authorities and officials,
• Interaction with government agencies and law enforcement agencies
on the prevention of violations of environmental legislation
Control and supervision of environmental legislation and
international standards in the field of biodiversity conservation
world: established rules, limits, quotas and norms
nature management, suppression of illegal hunting, catching fish
stocks suppression of illegal logging of green plantations, including
especially valuable tree species
Development of Checklists for Subjects entrepreneurship and
government institut ions construction, mining,
Protection, reproduction and restoration of animal objects and flora,
including valuable ones, as well as being endangered and listed in the
Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic
Consideration of complaints, applications and ap peals of citizens on
issues of environmental protection and nature management
Work period : May 2005 - March 2006
Government body: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic
Subdivision: Bishkek City Department of Environmental Protection
Job tittle : Inspector for verification of calculations of the sector "Organization of
nature management"
Description of
work :
Formation of a database of economic entities
Verification of the calculations of the regulatory fee for environmental
Performing the calculation of the standard fee
Consolidation and analysis of all receipts of the regulatory fee, and
identification of arrears
Distribution of notifications on payment for environmental pollution b y
discharges, emissions and waste.
Work period : August 2001 – February 2005
Company: Kyrgyz chemical and metallurgical plant, Orlovka city . Chui region
Subdivision: Central Analytical Laboratory Kyrgyz Chemical and Metallurgical Plant
Job tittle : Laboratory chemist «V» category
Description of work : Preparation of reagents, solutions.
Preparation of the workplace, tools, chemical glassware, crucibles,
furnaces, etc.
Development of instructions for conducting chemical analyzes for each
type of research
Carrying out chemical research and analyzes for the build -up of rare
earth metals (yttrium, scandium and lanthanides).
Work period : August 200 0 – September 20 01
Institution: Secondary school No. 1, Kemin city, Chui region
Job tittle : Teacher in the s chool "History" and "Natural Science"
14. . Participation in international projects :
• National expert in the development of the 3rd Environmental Performance Review
• Chairman of the Working Committee on the National Inventory of Obsolete Pesticides
(DDT, PCB ) containing within the framework of the project “Pesticide Life Cycle Management
and Elimination POP pesticides in Central Asia and Turkey GCP/SEC/011/GFF FAO
• Participation in the project “Introducing and increasi ng sustainable alternatives to DDT for
the control of vector -borne diseases in the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia
DDT” for the repackaging of obsolete pesticides by Milieukontakt -International (Balykchy and
• Participation in the de velopment of the draft Environmental Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
(2021 -2022), project …
• Participation in the development of the draft Forest Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
(2019 -2020), project ….
• Participation in the development of the draf t Code of the Kyrgyz Republic on subsoil
(2019 -2020), project ….
• Preparation of a project proposal within the framework of the project “Implementation of a
waste monitoring system in the Kyrgyz Republic based on Information and Communication
Technology” K -eco SINGG Seoul Initiative.
• Preparation of a project proposal within the framework of the ODA project "green
economy" in the Kyrgyz Republic KOICA
Мурзабаева Асель 27 .03.2023
Expert name Signature Data
4 октября, 2016
31 год ( 2 марта 1993)
7 апреля, 2017
64 года (12 июля 1960)
28 ноября, 2017
Бишкек local_shipping
63 года (17 августа 1961)
Последнее место работы:
Начальник отдела службы и технических средств, Министерство внутренних дел Кыргызской Республики
01.1984 - 12.2015